Points Calculation

Updating Calculation of Team Scores and Relative Ranking.  This could take a while.


Calculating, please be patient.

select * from schedules where ((HomeScore <> 0 or VisitorScore <> 0) and gamedate <= #10/5/2024# and gamedate > #4/8/2024# and deleted=false) order by homeid
To do the calcs: select * from schedules where ((HomeScore <> 0 or VisitorScore <> 0) and gamedate <= #10/5/2024# and gamedate > #4/8/2024# and deleted=false) order by gamedate

No ratified games have been found on this year's schedule. Please try again once results are in and ratified.
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CSL Web last updated 03/01/13. For problems, suggestions or ideas for this web site, contact the Webmaster - Han Costa. For League issues, contact the Commissioner. All text, images and techniques ©1998-2013.